Zimbabwe: Water Pollution is Ticking Time Bomb
ZIMBABWE – According to All Africa Global Media, animal waste, fertilizers, municipal, industrial and mining wastewater, urban storm water and runoff from agricultural, livestock and poultry operations have impaired the Zimbabwe National Water Authority’s capacity to meet the growing demand of water in Harare and surrounding towns. Unusual outbreaks of bloody diarrhea are killing young children, the Herald reports.According to the Herald, industry discharges a variety of pollutants in their wastewater, for instance resin pellets, organic toxins, nutrients and solids. With food processing industries, the discharged waste contains pathogens. These are released directly into the water body and in this case, into Nyatsime River all the way down to Lake Chivero via the Manyame River. Lake Chivero is the source of water for Harare and surrounding towns like Chitungwiza and Norton.”Water treatment costs have risen sharply in recent years because of excessive pollution. Passing the real cost to the consumer has been difficult as the majority cannot afford to pay market rates.” Basically, Zinwa is failing to provide potable water to residents all the time. This is despite the fact that pollution fines were increased by 2 900 percent in 2003.
This is so sad!!!!!!!!!! Just think of all of those poor children with bloody dihaerra( i know i mispelled it but if you laugh at that then you should be slapped bc ur a sick person!) They havent even had the chance to live their lives or fall in love or have children or make mistakes or be a kid because they were too busy trying not to poop their brains out or find uncontaminated food or thinking about where their next meal would come from or even if they were gonna live past tommorow or nex week or even next month! I hope with all of my heart that their conditions get better and i will pray and pray and pray for that to happen! That is just so sad!!!! If i were in their place i dont know how i would survive AND to all of you rich spoiled brats out there: Quit worrying about what ur gonna wear to supper or whos life ur gonna ruin or when ur gonna go shopping again…etc. and GET OFF OF YOUR LAZY BUTTS AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!! DONT YOU SEE THAT YOU COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE? DONT BE STUPID AND DUMB! COME AND HELP DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!