
Remedies for Harmful Algal Blooms Are Available in Law and Practice

They are expensive, in many cases experimental, and take a long time to work.

Powerful Industry’s Torrent of Manure Overwhelms State Regulators

Cause of Michigan’s worst water pollution is too much waste spread on too little land.

Lake Erie’s Failed Algae Strategy Hurts Poor Communities the Most

Algae blooms are hiking the cost of water for people already struggling to pay their bills.

In A Year of Water Quality Reckoning, National Imperative is Impeded

Law and policy treat farms as special class of polluter.

Farms in Six Southeast Michigan Counties Are Major Sources of Lake Erie Toxic Blooms

Water sampling finds no reduction in bloom-producing nutrients.

Danger Looms Where Toxic Algae Blooms

Billions spent on strategies to limit nutrient pollution that don’t work.