
India’s Most Recent Cyclone Highlights A Worrying Future
Storms are growing stronger as the planet warms. India must focus on an integrated approach after Cyclone Amphan, researchers say.

Climate Change Magnifies Health Risks at Every Stage of Life
Floods, droughts, and warming temperatures are already increasing illness and disease risk and may pull back previous health gains, benchmark Lancet Countdown report finds.
Mountain Regions, ‘Taking the Heat,’ Face Growing Hazards As Ice Melts, UN Climate Panel Warns
IPCC special report describes mounting disaster risks that connect mountains and polar regions to oceans.

With Rising Temperatures, Stark Changes Ahead for Asia’s Water Tower
The melting of the Hindu Kush Himalaya region will alter water supplies for a quarter of the planet’s people.

Comprehensive Government Climate Report Warns That Warming Planet Threatens U.S. Water Security
The National Climate Assessment is meant to inform U.S. leaders about changes to land, water, and air from a warming planet.

U.N. Climate Report: Water Extremes, Unevenly Distributed, Worsen With More Heat
More floods and droughts in a warmer world. But certain regions will be worse off than others.

Record Heat in 2016 Broke Lake Temperature Records Too
Warming lake waters worsen pollution, harm ecosystems.

Better Water Decisions in the Age of Deep Uncertainty
Year-old scientific society seeks new responses for an era of…

Water Security: Freedom from Intolerable Water-Related Risks | PODCAST |
Large-scale drought in southern Africa. Floods in North Korea…
Infographic: Syria Drought and Climate Change
Winter rainfall in the Fertile Crescent has declined 13 percent…
Climate Change Effects On Conflict Are Complex, Tenuous, And Misunderstood
Climate change is here, but will we fight over it?
World Economic Forum Ranks Water Crises as Top Long-term Risk
Water is connected to the world’s most severe problems.