
Infographic: Global Reservoir Storage Capacity
The rate of storage expansion has slowed since the mid-20th century
Central Texas Drought Is Worst on Record
Competition for water prompts a quest for new sources.
Sao Paulo’s Water Waiting Game Avoided Rationing But Produced Huge Risk of Severe Shortage
Desire to protect the poor left Brazil’s driest city few options…

The Stream, September 12: French Utility Experiments With Income-based Water Rates
French utility Suez Environnement will charge residents in Dunkirk,…

The Stream, August 17: Has Work Resumed on Laos’ Mekong Dam?
Despite assurances from Laos that work on its controversial Xayaburi…

The Stream, May 16: How Satisfactory Is World Water Quality?
A new poll from Gallup asked people in 140 countries how satisfied…

The Stream, April 18: Water Conflicts In Western U.S.
Irrigators in Texas and New Mexico are unhappy with a decision…

The Stream, November 18: UNEP Calls for Green Global Economy
Water management trails climate change on companies' agenda,…

Dried Up: Texas Industry and Residents Square Off Over Water as Drought Continues
With nearly 65 percent of Texas experiencing exceptional drought, water is becoming increasingly precious—and scarce—in a state that has to divide the resource between the growing appetites of farmers, city residents, and energy corporations.
Hydropower Has Uncertain Future in Scotland’s Renewable Energy Ambitions
Does Scotland's clean energy transition hold fresh water?

California Drought: Snowpack Inspires Consumers, Worries Water Experts
One week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state-wide drought emergency for California, rangers reported Sierra snowpack levels at 80 percent of normal. While the measurements of this major source of water might seem cause for relief, experts hesitate.

Pump Slump: Island of Oahu Experiences Water Shortage
HONOLULU -- After a proliferation of electricity outages, the…