
Building Bigger Walls in San Francisco Bay to Hold Back Rising Waters
Spurred by a recent change in federal flood zone maps and a desire to prepare for rising seas, Foster City is in the process of raising its levees.

The Stream, November 8: Early Look at Water in U.S. Ballot Results
Water-quality protection measures were among the 46 conservation-related…

2012 Election Results: U.S. Voters Favor Water
Yesterday, American voters in many states and cities around the nation supported hundreds of millions of dollars in water infrastructure investment.

2012 Election Guide: Obama and Romney Say Little About Water, But Important Decisions Await Voters
One week from today, on the first Tuesday in November, American voters will not only choose their representatives. In many states and cities, those casting ballots will also make decisions about their water supply.

Climate Change Alters the Calculus for Water Infrastructure Planning
Adapting to climate change in the U.S., according to one estimate, will cost at least a half trillion dollars over the next four decades.

The Stream, July 1: North America’s Greenest Cities
San Francisco is the greenest city in North America, according…

Taking Back the Tap, One City at A Time

Alternative Adventure: Eco-explorer David De Rothschild to Travel the Pacific in Plastic Ship
After traversing Antarctica in 2004 and spending more than 100 days crossing the Arctic in 2006, in mid-November British adventurer and ecologist David de Rothschild will hoist sail across the Pacific Ocean on a boat made of plastic, or what he calls “the dumbest” product on the planet.

The Case of California’s Missing Water
Brew a full pot of water through coffee beans and you should…

Congressmen Urge Obama to Strengthen Clean Water Act
The Bush Administration has weakened the maw of the Clean Water…

Cali water agencies under pressure to lower arsenic levels
SAN FRANCISCO -- Arsenic levels in eleven Californian water…

Up for vote: George W. Bush Sewage Plant
SAN FRANCISCO -- George W. Bush's legacy is at stake in more…