
Sinking Land Crushes California Groundwater Storage Capacity
Overpumping diminishes ability to store water underground.

The Fall and Potential Rise of California’s San Joaquin Valley
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Groundwater pumping is reshaping California’s farm belt.

California’s Dogged Drought Cutting Off Water Supplies to State’s Poor
Farmers are guzzling groundwater while wells of families run dry.

California Lawmakers Move to Protect the State’s Collapsing Groundwater Supply
New rules seek sustainable use, but the details will be written later by local agencies.

Most of California Groundwater Tables at All-time Lows, State Report Says
The biggest declines are in the San Joaquin Valley and in metropolitan Southern California.

The Stream, July 12: Reforms in the UK Water Sector
Flood protection will cost the United Kingdom at least $1.3 billion…

The Stream, March 2: Where Did The Brahmaputra River’s Water Go?
As water levels dropped three meters (10 feet) in India's Brahmaputra…

The Stream, October 4: What’s Up With Keystone XL?
More Africans have access to mobile phones than to clean drinking…

Peter Gleick: When Beliefs Conflict with Facts
Representative Jim Costa and the California Drought

Peter Gleick: The California Drought (2007-2009) – Myth Versus Reality
It has been a wet year. Very wet. But remember the drought? California…

Strong La Niña Winter Soaks Much of the Western United States, But Leaves Southwest Dry
Western states confront potential for floods and wildfires.