
‘It Will Probably Resemble a Military Operation’: Q&A with Andrew Whelton on Recovery of Paradise Water System
Andrew Whelton leads a Purdue University research team that is advising the town’s water utility.

The Stream, April 10: Japan’s Fukushima Water Tanks Spring Leaks
A leak was discovered at yet another underground water storage…

The Stream, February 6: Lake Michigan Water Levels at Record Lows
Water levels on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron have reached…

The Stream, August 3: Floods Wipe Out North Korea’s Drinking Water
More than 3 million Syrians will require food aid over the next…

The Stream, June 26: U.S. Supreme Court Awards Georgia in Tri-State Water Dispute
Tough verdict on Rio+20 from author George Monbiot: governments…

The Stream, May 17: Finland’s Mining Boom
More frequent and more severe floods, or what some farmers call…

The Stream, April 24: New Estimate of the Niger Delta Oil Spill
Water Pollution
Shell's oil spill on the Niger Delta was at…

The Stream, April 4: Water and Politics in South America
Under a new law, mining and oil companies in Peru will be required…

The Stream, April 2: Fracking in Texas, Pennsylvania and Wyoming
New findings that indicate elevated levels of methane in water…

The Stream, March 28: Diminishing Water Could Slow Clean Energy Development
Diminishing supplies of water, metals and biomass could slow…

The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?
South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…

The Stream, March 19: The Water Factor in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
U.S. scientists are investigating whether DNA from Asian carp…