
The year in water 2017
A new era of severe environmental and economic disruption around the world upends freshwater supplies.

Clean Water Runs Out and Yemen Hovers on Edge of Another Epidemic
Yemen’s cholera outbreak is likely to grow worse following a crippling import blockade.

Panel Recommends Changes to Two-Decade-Old EPA Water Affordability Guidelines
The EPA has heard similar suggestions before. Will the agency act decisively this time?

Risks Grow for Deadliest U.S. Drinking Water Hazard
Reported cases of Legionnaires’ disease are surging upwards.

U.S. Household Water Use Continues to Decline
Federal report tracks conservation pattern that began two decades ago.

New Jersey Sets First Binding State Limits for Perfluorinated Chemicals in Drinking Water
Regulators adopt strictest standards in the nation.

Philadelphia Water Rate Experiment Aims to Help Struggling Residents Pay Their Bills
Many applications, and some pain, so far for country’s first income-based water rate.

California Hepatitis Outbreak Has Killed 19 People
State health emergency declared in response to largest U.S. hepatitis A outbreak in more than two decades.

Islamic State Occupation Wrecks Iraq Environment and Infrastructure
UNEP report provides initial tally of contaminated sites and destroyed water systems.

Diseases of Poverty Identified in Alabama County Burdened by Poor Sanitation
Study finds “shocking” incidence of parasite infections in Lowndes County.

When It Comes To Water Service How Expensive Is Too Expensive?
As rates rise, water authorities question longstanding affordability measurement.

Undermanned EPA Delays Action on Lead in Drinking Water
For second time, draft of new health regulation is deferred.