Gargle this: New Mexico identifies new aquifer, water briny

New Mexico’s Sandoval County recently stumbled upon what could be 100 years worth of water. After pumping six million dollars into exploration of the aquifer, county officials now believe the source runs deep enough and contains enough water to merit treatment.

As the water is briny, expensive desalination efforts are required to bring the resource up to drinking standards.

While the potential supply could provide 300,000 people with water, Bruce Thomson — University of New Mexico Water Resource director — reminded the Albuquerque Journal that 100 years does not last forever.

Mark Sanchez, executive director of the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority, also worried about zealous development. “They need to make sure they are not propping up communities that rely on water they won’t have in 100 years,” he told the Journal. “Deep aquifers don’t replenish themselves. There’s a fixed amount of water.”

Read more here and here.

Source: The Albuquerque Journal, WaterWired

1 reply
  1. Carl Roach says:

    The water we are drinking in Sandoval county has so much minerals in it, that it is almost impossible to drink. We bought a new water vaporizor, and within two weeks it quit working. Upon inspection we found that is was clogged by a very large amount of minerals. We are purchasing our drinking and cooking water at an extra 40 cents a gallon. With the high cost of water and sewage waste water, my question is why can’t we get decent water for our dollar.

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