Water From Fog on Cape Verde
Morning fog rolls in over the island community of Serra Malagueta, Cape Verde, and with it comes welcomed relief: drinkable water.
Water shortages on the island nation are nothing new. With the majority of the country’s drinking water coming from desalinization, rainwater collection, or a few safe ground wells, Cape Verde has long struggled with water shortages.
But, for the 100,000 residents of Serra Malagueta, the fog offers a novel alternative. Window sized collection nets and screens dot the community’s outskirts, capturing fog and turning it into much needed drinking water. Without the nets, the community would be entirely reliant on trucked-in water from other communities.
As the dry season approaches, the collection nets will feed water into holding tanks – helping alleviate the water stress.
According to the UN Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, some 25% of the Cape Verdean population is threaten by water shortages each year.
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Source: IRIN/UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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