
California Drought and Strengthening El Nino Accelerate Statewide Water Transition
New infrastructure, laws, and practices help the state respond…

Los Angeles Looks to Stormwater to Secure Water Sustainability
Second largest U.S. city confronts new era of water scarcity with innovations on a new scale.

California Water Restrictions Generate Flood of Resistance
Cities object to mandatory limits on water use.

California Drought Puts Old Features in New Perspective
Water for swimming pools, golf courses, car washes at front lines of fresh scrutiny.

Important California Water Infrastructure Talks Start This Week
State and local agencies plan to invest billions in new assets.

Study: Water Stress Affects Fewer Cities Than Previously Thought
Pipelines and canals buy some cities a ticket out of water stress…

The Price of Water 2013: Up Nearly 7 Percent in Last Year in 30 Major U.S. Cities; 25 Percent Rise Since 2010
Utilities tinker with rate structures designed to stabilize revenue.

The Stream, April 9: China’s New Dams Raise Concern of Water Wars
The Chinese government recently decided to construct five new…

The Stream, December 13: Drier Future Ahead for Colorado River-dependent States
A federal report said that demand for Colorado River water will…

The Stream, November 12: U.S. and Mexico Near Water-sharing Agreement on Border
The United States and Mexico are nearing an agreement on water-sharing…

The Stream, November 9: Hepatitis Outbreak in South Sudan
An outbreak of Hepatitis E in South Sudan refugee camps has killed…

The Stream, May 17: Finland’s Mining Boom
More frequent and more severe floods, or what some farmers call…