
Lake Turkana - Water Conflict

Water Conflict: Violence Erupts Along Ethiopia-Kenya Water-stressed Border

Severe droughts have added stress to an ongoing dispute between two neighboring ethnic groups near Lake Turkana — the border between the two nations — which has culminated in a series of violent attacks.

The Stream, May 13: The Battle for the Arctic

Secret U.S. embassy cables released by Wikileaks reveal that…

Infographic: Bohai Pipeline Map — Coal Reserves vs. Water Resources in Northern China

A look at China's coal-rich, yet water-scarce northern region.

EPA Releases Draft Assessment of Environmental Effects of Biofuels

Preliminary report describes an infant cellulosic biofuels industry with a mandate to grow up fast.

More People, More Problems — Water Challenges with Chinese Urbanization

Recent reports reveal the nation's freshwater challenges and their possible solutions.

Businesses Get New Blueprint for Managing Water Risks

New guide from U.N. Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate outlines how corporations can successfully engage in water policy and management.

Saudi Water Use ‘Growing Exponentially,’ Higher Prices Needed, Report Says

Agriculture is draining non-renewable groundwater reserves in the water-scarce country.

Peter Gleick: Time for a “Cash for Water Clunkers” Program

The international water expert proposes a plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the United States’ water resources.

World Bank Report Endorses Integrated Approach to Water Management

Rising population growth and food demand coupled with climate change will test World Bank’s water resource strategy

African, Asian Nations Top Latest Water Security Risk Index

A new report furthers the hypothesis that water stress serves as a catalyst for conflict.

Southern Australian State Plans to Save Additional 5 Billion of Liters of Water

Australia Tackles water scarcity in New South Wales by funding projects such a recycled water for irrigation.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.