Water and Climate Safety, Finance Security, Drive Keystone XL Conflict

Nebraska is again a battleground over tar sands oil pipeline. By…

Gina Lopez, Philippine Environment Secretary, Pursues Watershed Protection

Clear goals to enforce pollution laws jeopardize the new secretary’s job.

Utilities Move to Break Arizona’s Coal-Water Link

The proposed halt to operations in 2019 at the West’s largest…
Kamoto Mining in the DRC. Photo by Cody Pope for Circle of Blue

Water and Mining: Are Companies Correctly Pricing in Risks? | PODCAST |

From Peru to Australia water stresses are rewriting the way mines…

Marriage Of Coal And Water In Arizona Renews Vows

U.S. government moves to extend lease for coal plant that pushes…

Halt to Dakota Pipeline Is Part of International Resistance to Water Threats

At frontlines, fossil fuel transport and production infrastructure opposed worldwide.

Great Lakes Region Pivots From Fossil Fuels

In shift from coal and oil, water use and quality hang in the balance.

Map: U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Ranked By Water Pollution

Report identifies worst offenders by discharges of arsenic, lead, and mercury.

U.S. Hydropower Grows By Going Small

Hydropower expansion relies on improving existing dams. By…

Big Banks Finance Water-Damaging, Climate-Warming Energy Projects

Despite commitment to reduce national emissions, development banks spend $US billions on coal-fired power plants.

Popularity of Big Hydropower Projects Diminishes Around the World

Big water, cost-savings from new wind and solar construction.