
Peter Gleick: Unsafe Drinking Water for California’s Poor – Unfair, Unnecessary, and Unacceptable
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The United States has -- for the most part -- an excellent tap…

USGS Survey Finds Contamination in Public Wells
A new study reveals that 105 million Americans drink from contaminated wells.

Water Disclosure Project Releases Surveys to 300 Companies
Newly-released Water Disclosure Project questionnaire focuses on usage, operations and supply chains and management strategies in water-intensive companies.

The Economics of Water Quality Need Greater Emphasis, UN Experts Say
Waste water treatment costs and ecosystem services are often not properly accounted for, say UN experts at World Water Day conference.

Clean Water Act Leaves Waterways Vulnerable to Pollution
As many as half of the nation’s largest water polluters might be exempt from the Clean Water Act’s requirements because Supreme Court decisions never clarified what waterways the act protects.

Great Lakes Cleanup to Get $2.2 Billion in Federal Funding
The EPA plan aims to clean up top pollution sites and establish a “zero tolerance policy” toward invasive species

Chinese Farms Generate More Water Pollution than Factories
Study shows 2007 discharges were double previous estimates.

Video: Reign of Sand
The blowing sand in Inner Mongolia is more evidence of the consequences of the duel China fights as it promotes rapid industrial development.