
Nile Basin Countries Fail to Sign River Treaty Again

Egypt and Sudan have rejected the proposed Nile Basin agreement as it stands, while the other seven members vow to press on.

New Zealand Environment Council Removed from Office Due to ‘Bad Water Management’

Issues of water management caused the New Zealand Parliament to replace a 14-member elected environmental council with an appointed commission.

Pakistan Raises Water Issue During Diplomatic Talks with India

Pakistan officials argue India’s dam-building violate the Indus River Treaty.

Block Those Flying Fish: Great Lakes Politicians Pressure Illinois, Washington on Asian Carp

Michigan’s Attorney General and U.S. Representative Camp host a rally.

Perspective: Waters, Wars, Wheat, Watts, Waste and Wasta Add Up to Syria’s Liquid Worries

Syria's economics, history, politics, diplomacy, and culture have often been defined in a large part by water. This has been the case since this area was part of the Eblan civilization, or about 2500 BC, onward. But let's look at some more recent facts and events.

Chile Considers Constitutional Reform of Freshwater Rights

New legislation could extend government control over private freshwater resources.

Taiwanese Village Blames Water Project for Typhoon Disaster

A water project in Taiwan is causing widespread discontent in a local community affected by this month's Typhoon Morakot.

US and Canada Revisit Key Water Quality Pact

The United States and Canada decided to update a key agreement that protects the Great Lakes from invasive species

Understanding Zimbabwe: An Interview with Professor Timothy Burke

In an interview with Circle of Blue, Swarthmore history professor…

The Walled Grave: Politics of Neglect Caused Zimbabwe’s Cholera Outbreak

Grim consequences of failed water and sanitation infrastructure by…

Senator Obama’s comments heat up water wars in Southern U.S.

At an official campaign stop in Florida, Presidential hopeful…

Up for vote: George W. Bush Sewage Plant

SAN FRANCISCO -- George W. Bush's legacy is at stake in more…