
Slowly, With Earth Pushing Hard, A Confederacy Of Concern Develops
Circle of Blue Senior Editor Keith Schneider discusses how new energy-efficient, water-conserving, land-protecting operating principles are slowly becoming priorities around the world.

Infographic: U.S. Surface Water Pollution by State
More than half of the country's lakes and rivers are not meeting water quality standards.

U.S. Clean Water Law Needs New Act for the 21st Century
Seminal water law does not address nation's emerging water pollution challenges.

Federal Drought Policy Need Not Wait for Congress
Natural resources agencies have the authority to change practices on their own, conservation groups argue.

Concerns over Bottled Water and NAFTA Swirl during British Columbia Drought
Citizen petition calls for higher fees on Nestle and other bottled water companies while authorities worry about trade agreement implications.

California Fire Danger Mounts in Sierra Nevada Forests
Bark beetles, water scarcity, and dying trees herald a region in ecological transition during the height of state's four-year drought.

Great Lakes Line 5 Oil Pipeline Safety Study Nears
Michigan will reveal information about energy-transport network under the Straits of Mackinac.

Toxic Algae Blooms Prompt Clean-Up Commitment from Great Lakes Governors
State and provincial leaders act to end danger to Lake Erie, which has suffered from a resurgence of nutrient pollution and toxic algae outbreaks over the past decade.

Challenged By Drought, Fire, Earthquake, and Flood, California Departs On New Path
In response to truculent planet, conserving water, limiting climate emissions, and achieving "net zero" energy use are top priorities.
United States Clean Water Rule Quandary Begins On Land
EPA’s Clean Water Rule confronts deep-rooted farm resistance.…
Study: Decades-long ‘Megadroughts’ in U.S. Southwest and Central Plains More Likely Due to Climate Change
Droughts that are extreme by today’s standards will be normal by the end of the century, according to NASA research.
Pace of U.S. Dam Removals Accelerates
72 dams were torn down in 2014, a record.
Photo © Brett…