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274 search results for: murray


Australians Watch Murray-Darling Water Levels Sink to Record Lows; Situation “Bleak,” Officials Say

May marks the season for rainmakers in Australia. As the month approaches, Aboriginal weather watchers look to blooming wattle trees, flitting native birds and flocking cockatoos for signs of rain. But this year, autumn arrives with a dire forecast. Prospects for the season look “bleak,” as inflows to the Murray River “hit record lows” in […]


Australian States Legislate Rescue Team for Murray-Darling Basin

Victoria, the final state to sign a water bill that allows the Commonwealth to manage the river basin waterways, finally consented. According to the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC), the bill gives the Commonwealth the right to establish a Murray-Darling Basin Authority to control funding that should aid the drought-stricken region. Victorian Water Minister Tim Holding […]


Information Flow: Australian Senate Deliberates How to Save Murray-Darling

In worried response to a rapidly desiccating Murray-Darling river basin, the Australian Senate just approved an inquiry into the availability of current supplies. The inquiry is to report back with options for emergency use in September. Coalition environment spokesman Greg Hunt hopes the push for information also provides resources — whether liquid or paper — […]


As the Murray River Dries, Hope Dies

The lower lakes of the Murray River in South Australia are slowly drying up, as water use along the Murray-Darling river basin continues to threaten the long-term health of the watershed. Lower lakes residents, hoping for an influx of water from upstream reserves, were told by government officials that, barring substantial rain, the reservoirs would […]


Federal Water Tap, October 30: Feds Back State-Led Colorado River Conservation Plan

The Rundown Bureau of Reclamation reassesses options for Colorado River water conservation over next three years. The White House asks Congress for $55 billion on domestic disaster relief, other emergencies. The Treasury Department releases a report on climate hazards and household finances. The House approves a 2024 budget for the Army Corps and Interior Department […]