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750 search results for: food security


The Stream, February 17: Four Famines Threaten Africa and Middle East

The Global Rundown A drought in East Africa, as well as conflicts in Africa and the Middle East, could put 20 million people at risk of starvation in the next six months. Oil and agricultural development in Brazil’s Amapá state threaten the region’s forests and waterways. Residents of Mosul, Iraq are digging their own wells […]


The Stream, February 13: California Dam Troubles Force Thousands To Evacuate

The Global Rundown Damage to the spillways at California’s Oroville Dam prompted officials to issue evacuation orders for thousands of people downstream. Aid groups warned of an impending famine in drought-hit Somalia. India’s Supreme Court ordered the state government of Madhya Pradesh to pay families displaced by a major dam project. Untreated sewage is a […]


The Stream, January 2: Millions Lose Water In Damascus

The Global Rundown Deliberately damaged infrastructure cut water supplies to a large area of Damascus, Syria over the past several weeks, the United Nations said. Illegal water vendors have set up shop in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to cater to residents pressured by drought and aging infrastructure. Burundi’s environment and water minister was shot to death over […]


At Standing Rock – Water, History, and Finance Converge As Sioux Nation Mounts Storied Battle Over Dakota Access Pipeline

Oil pipeline could be stranded asset in the making. By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue Heavy snow and winter cold settled this month on thousands of Native Americans and their supporters encamped on the banks of the Cannonball River, some 30 miles south of Bismarck, North Dakota. Nearby, the Missouri River slipped past. The river’s […]


Federal Water Tap, September 12: Agencies Halt Dakota Access Pipeline Construction on Federal Land

The Rundown A federal judge said pipeline construction could proceed, but Obama administration decides to pause Dakota Access pending further review. The CDC surveys the Toledo community’s response to the 2014 toxic algal bloom that shut down the city’s drinking water system. EPA and state regulators close wastewater injection wells in Oklahoma because of earthquakes. […]